Hi Hezekiah,

Our client, a multinational in the medical industry, was looking to launch a new test for patients.

Their challenge? They didn’t properly understand the patient journey, key buyers and decision-makers associated with this test. So they were unable to build an effective go-to-market strategy.

That’s when they approached FrontierView advisory services. We give companies the insights they need to deliver an effective go-to-market plan, breaking down the individual components - knowing your market, your competitors and your customers – in a way that leads to a confident, clearly-sequenced plan.

In this case, we conducted interviews with multiple stakeholders, and then mapped out the patient journey, understanding everything from their arrival in a specific location -  whether an ER or clinic - to selection of the test.

Along the way, we identified which stakeholders were involved from diagnosis to treatment and impacted the customer’s decision-making. While there are multiple stakeholders in the healthcare sector, some will be key influencers whose role will be instrumental to supporting market entry and expansion.

With these insights in hand, our client was able to understand which customers were most likely to request their test and when. And they could form a robust view on how to promote it effectively both to patients and stakeholders, which fed into their go-to-market plan.

If you, too, are considering entering a new market, but do not understand your customers in sufficient detail, FrontierView advisory can help. Simply book a consultation with one of our specialists to find out more about our go-to-market strategy services:

Tom MacDonald
Managing Director, Global Consulting

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